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fountain of Life fundraiseR
           "Fonten lavi a"

On August 14, 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked the southern border of Haiti causing over 2,300 fatalities and negatively impacting over 500,000 families. Pinnacle of Hope has partnered with Tabernacle de Dieu and James Smith Alcindor Ministries in Haiti to provide direct assistance in the form of food, water, toiletries, clothing and money (Haitian currency) to victims in the (Rozye) Woch a Bato community. Two team nurses conducted evaluations  of the aide recipients and provided medication as needed.  


As we continue our relief efforts with both partners, an assessment was conducted to identify some of the overall long term needs of the community; as it is our belief that community development efforts should be led locally. The outcome of the assessment concludes that one of the most impactful way to provide support is through the installation of a community-owned solar powered water well for the community of Ferdile in Fond des Blanc. One of the major issues facing families across Haiti is the lack of access to clean water as residents are faced with water scarcity.  On the other hand, some communities that may have water wells report that they are most often inoperable due to lack of maintenance.  The recent earthquake has once again highlighted the critical need for reliable and clean water sources in Haiti.

The completion of this project will create a two-fold impact for the community. Firstly, it will provide Ferdile residents and the surrounding communities with clean water. Secondly, an irrigation system will also be connected to provide water for the community farmland that is operated by Pastor Fisher at Tabernacle de Dieu. As an experienced Agronomist, Pastor Fisher founded a community based agricultural program that provides education to residents on the techniques of planting and cultivating fruits and vegetables. Participants are allowed to take some of the produce home and a portion is also sold at local markets. This agricultural project will positively impact the overall community by combating food insecurity and providing a way for families to earn a living from the sale of the produce.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in this venture, by making a monetary contribution towards achieving this goal. We are counting on your support.


A tax-deductible donation can be made online or by mailing a check to:


Pinnacle of Hope

19821 NW 2nd Ave., #242

Miami Gardens, FL 33169


Together we can make a lasting impact as we provide access to clean water - "The Fountain of Life"


Thank you in advance for your generosity!


The Pinnacle of Hope Team

Tabernacle de Dieu

James Smith Alcindor Ministries

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The well

Groundbreaking for the Well

Haiti's future Agronomist

Children preparing the soil to plant vegetables

A view of the farmland

Fruits of their labor - papayas

Fruits of their labor - Green peppers

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